Let's face it. This is a blog about knitting. Not much about family (we are pretty private & The Man wouldn't like that), not about cooking (I do nuff o'that everyday!), not about sewing (no time for that) or anything else. I really admire blogs that are about LIVES; cooking, sewing, health, etc.,. Maybe I will try for something like that next year.
Without further ado, some recent projects that I have finished up but haven't blogged about.
Superhero Blanket for Jadyn. This is a Jadyn Blanket Pattern made in all sorts of pinks/purples with yellow nubbs. Jadyn is a very inspirational little girl with and amazing mama! Luv you guys!
For Lox, he has literally worn out most of his wool covers from wearing them for 19 months. I have been knitting him a cover her week (usually on Saturday) and so far, here are two:
I used Cascade 220 & 220 Heathers. Leftovers from my grey Little Johns.
Eruption Pants!! The girls nick named these shorts due to the volcano-like colors, but have since decided that the name is TOO appropriate :)
Bugging the bird...
I am currently working on a Union Suit pattern for baby/toddler sizes. This one is a size newborn, using Mirasol Cotanani. In a few days, it will be done :)
Happy Knitting!
I love the colors on your blanket! What a great present :)